Rotary Club of Camrose Daybreak
EyeOpener June 30, 2020 2020-2021 Board Installation
June is Rotary Fellowship Month
Odell opened the meeting with a recording of O Canada, 11 members and Area Governor Lou present.
Rob offered Food for Thought sharing a story he was told on the weekend highlighting how words can affect people in different ways. An offhand use of a word that elicited laughing in a group of girls, struck one of the young girls differently because her understanding of the word was framed by her experience working with a Down Syndrome child. The other girls noticed and used the opportunity to reflect on how a person’s choice of words has an impact. We get comfortable with words and do not intend to be derogatory or evil but need to use our ‘mother in our brain’ to think about the words we use and how they may be hurtful.
John will offer Food for Thought next week.
Installation of 2020-2021 Board
Area Governor Lou performed the installation of the new board on behalf of the District:
- President Morris
- Past President Destiny
- Secretary Odell
- Treasurer John
- Returning Directors Tricia, Cliff, Alan
- New Directors Carol, Robyn
All board members pledged to fulfil the duties of their office to the best of their ability and to abide by the club’s constitution and bylaws. The Board looks forward to working with all members to achieve the club goals. We join District 5370 Governor Jim Ferguson and Rotary International President Holger Knaack in actively pursuing this year’s theme-Rotary Opens Opportunity.
After serving on the Board for many years, Lisa has transferred to the Rotary Club of Camrose as the noon meeting time better fits her new real estate career. She will continue to be involved in TV Bingo and the flag program. Best wishes to Lisa and thank you for all you do for the club.
Additional studies and work pressures led Glenda to step down from the Board. Her work with Shyla and Rehma on the Youth portfolio has paid dividends in formalizing the scholarship program and encouraging the rebirth of Rotaract. Thanks Glenda for your contributions to the club as a Board member.
Lou reminded us that Together, we see a World where people unite and take action to create lasting change-across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves. She also noted we need to fill the President-Elect portfolio remembering that the President does not have to do everything, members are ready and able to step up.
- Dues are due: Annual $250 can be paid by $125 instalments July and January. John will be sending invoices soon. You can drop a cheque at John’s or make an Interac transfer to CamroseDaybreakTreasurer@gmail.com
- The Rotary 2020 Virtual Convention has wrapped up. Recordings of the General and Breakout sessions are available at riconvention.org. To access the Breakout recordings simply register for the convention (no need to choose any options) and the BROWSE button will become a WATCH button. PowerPoint slides and other support documents are available via the VISIT THE CENTER button on the Find Materials panel. Please take time to look at the selection, you will find some sessions of interest.
- Rob has completed the District Grant process for the scholarships. John will send receipts to finalize the COVID grant
NEW _ 7th Area of Focus
The Rotary Foundation Trustees and Rotary International Board of Directors have both unanimously approved adding a new area of focus: Supporting the Environment.
More than $18 million in Foundation global grant funding has been allocated to environment-related projects over the past five years. Creating a distinct area of focus to support the environment will give Rotary members even more ways to bring about positive change in the world and increase our impact.
Supporting the environment becomes Rotary's seventh area of focus, which are categories of service activities supported by global grants. It joins peacebuilding and conflict prevention; disease prevention and treatment; water, sanitation, and hygiene; maternal and child health; basic education and literacy; and community economic development.
Grant applications for projects will be accepted beginning on 1 July 2021. Gifts and commitments from Rotarians and others will be sought to provide global grant support for the new area of focus.
More information about this new cause will be announced soon.
Happy Bucks
- Was able to transport a dying father for hospital treatments until quarantined daughter from US could visit him
- Effort of Roy, Tiffany and Drever Agencies in the Montana Cree Food Bank drive. Thanks Cliff, for the beef donation
- Visit to Canmore, including bathroom repair
- Tracey and Vince Vavrek joining the Arch Klumph Society (donating minimum US$250,000 to the Rotary Foundation), joining Tim Schilds and other District 5370 members. The Society is named after the RI President that started our Foundation in 1917 with US$26.50 left over from the convention.
- Greetings from the noon club who held an outdoor meeting yesterday in the amphitheatre by the Stoney Creek Centre and the Butterfly and Hummingbird Gardens. Great blooms now. Feel free to weed thistle, etc. when you visit. Thanks for your Virtual Gala support, $17,914 raised.
- Happy 49th wedding anniversary
- Patrice received the backordered elastic – let her know if you need cloth masks or elastic upgrade
- 200 plus flags deployed. Some issues with theft this time out.
- Respectful and well-managed anti-racism rally at the Recreation Centre. Great to see that Camrose can hold and support a civil non-confrontational event like this.
- A happy birthday
- Fun ride on the trails through the valley
- Book recommendation – Humankind: A Hopeful History, Rutger Bregman takes readers through historical accounts proving that we are in fact hardwired for kindness and is a read that will lift your spirits at a much needed time in today’s climate
- Next Meeting Tuesday July 7th 7am
- Next Board Meeting Tuesday July 7th 8am
- Outdoor Meeting July 14th 7am