In memory and in honour of the work Camrose Public Library's past director Robyn Gray did to maintain the vital service CPL provides and contributes to the community, the Rotary Club of Camrose Daybreak has set up memorial donations to the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Camrose affiliate.
"Robyn’s passion for literacy through reading led us to direct donations to the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Camrose affiliate," noted Rotary Club of Camrose Daybreak member Morris Henderson. "It is heartwarming to see the amazing effect of Robyn’s short life on those who met her, but sad to see that life cut short."

Children are eligible to receive a free, age-appropriate book monthly from birth until they reach the age of five. Children that are registered when they are born, could potentially build a library of 60 books by the time they graduate from the program. "The Rotary Club of Camrose has partnered with the Camrose Public Library to offer this program to children in Camrose. Parents can register children in person through the library or by downloading an application from and mailing it to the Rotary Club of Camrose".
"With Robyn's passing, her parents asked the Daybreak Rotary Club where memorial donations to Robyn would have the best effect," noted Henderson. "With Robyn's passion for reading and literacy the Imagination Library was a no-brainer to suggest. Ann and Gord (Robyn's parents) enthusiastically accepted our suggestion."
Robyn passed away in Calgary on January 29, at the age of 31 years, after a courageous year-long battle with brain cancer.
She joined the team at Camrose Public Library as the director in January of 2019. Unfortunately, she was forced to take long-term disability leave in the spring of 2021.
During her time with CPL and in the community, Robyn came to be known for her warm and welcoming manner, her passion to keep people reading, her dedication to the continued growth of CPL (despite the challenges faced due to the pandemic) and her participation and support throughout the community including as an active member of the Daybreak Rotary Club.
Robyn will be sorrowfully missed.
Memorial donations to the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Camrose affiliate in Robyn Gray’s name can be made by:
"We chose units of $50 because that is the cost to provide a book-a-month for a year to a Camrose child registered in the Dolly Parton Imagination Library," said Henderson adding that all donations and condolence messages will be shared with Robyn’s parents, Ann and Gord.
"There are donations from teachers, bandmates, workmates, friends (some representing groups) that have been touched by Robyn's spirit."
Pipes & Drums has an
obituary that offers a glimpse into the impact Robyn had on those who met her.
Service Above Self